Author: Michael A.G. Haykin
ISBN: 9781850492481
Pages: 160
Price: £8.99
PB 216x139mm
Published by: Bryntirion Press
The role that the celebrated William Carey played at the outset of the modern missionary movement is farily well know. What is relitively unknow, however, is the story of the band of brothers that mentored Carey and then supported him when he went to India: Andrew Fuller, John Ryland, John Sutcliff, and Samuel Pearce. And even less know is the story of the revivial that transformed Carey’s denomination and made it a powerhouse for missionary outreach. These stories are told in the book with the confidence that they can teach us much about living for god in our day.
Ardent Love for Jesus introduces readers to a group of missions-minded pastor-theologians who continue to stand as role models for contemporary Baptists and other evangelicals. This book will educate minds, warm hearts, and perhaps spur on some readers to give their all for the sake of making Christ famous among all the peoples of the earth.
Nathan Finn, Associate Professor odf Historical Theology and Baptist Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC
Michael Hayking brings years of careful, loving, and painstaking attention to archival work and intimate knowledge of the published writings and relevant secondary literature on his subject. The result is an engaging adventure with the most unrelenting activist theologians among the Baptists in this era in which they extend the impact of the great Evangelical Awakening of the eighteenth century.
Tom J. Nettles, The Southern Baptiost Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Michael Haykin is passionate about both experiential Christian piety and Baptist church history. Here he combines both interests in a fascinating account of revival among the eighteenth century Baptist churches. In an era when there seems to be an unfortunate trend towards minimizing the actual impact of the gospel on Christian lives, this is a timely and helpful volume.
Carl R. Trueman, Paul Woolley Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelpha, PA
Michael A.G. Haykin is Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Director of the Andrew Fuller Centre for Baptist Studies, based at Southern Seminary. He is the author of a number of books on eighteenth-century Baptist life and thought, He and his wife Alison live in Dundas, Ontario.