About us
Bryntirion Press, as the publishing arm of the Evangelical Movement of Wales, seeks through its publications to serve Christians in Wales and beyond and to bring the Gospel to every generation through publications in both Welsh and English that:
- are doctrinally sound and faithful to biblical truth
- are evangelistic and relevant to the people of today in Wales and throughout the world
- seek to strengthen Christians in their service for the Lord
- highlight God’s gracious dealings with the people of Wales, especially in times of revival
- make known the work of Welsh Christians of earlier generations and promote the work of Welsh authors and preachers of the present day.
The Evangelical Movement of Wales is a registered charity that serves churches and Christians, helping them to glorify God, share the gospel throughout Wales, and build up believers.
What is the EMW?
The EMW is a movement of churches, leaders and Christians from a variety of different situations who love Jesus Christ, believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and are convinced that the Gospel is the only hope for our lost world. We share the same core beliefs (as outlined in the EMW statement of faith), and we express our unity in Christ by coming together to serve Him and His people (the Church). The EMW is led by church leaders, and is not a denomination or association, but is a servant of gospel churches.
What is important to the EMW?
Our heart is for the work of God in Wales, in both our languages which is why we aim to serve churches, church leaders and Christians. Since Christianity is both doctrinal and experiential, Word and Spirit, we are convinced that:
- The Bible is the infallible Word of God, our sole authority in all matters of faith and practice. It shows us our need of salvation and reveals Jesus Christ.
- The Cross of Jesus Christ, where He atoned for the sins of the world before being raised from the dead, is the centre and heart of the gospel. Without it we have no power, no hope, and no message for a lost world.
- The nation of Wales has a rich spiritual heritage, but is now in desperate need. It is a missional situation. Every person in Wales needs to hear the gospel and experience the life-changing work of the Spirit. Consequently, we pray fervently for revival, and work passionately with churches for the evangelisation of the nation.
- Unity between Christians is an essential outworking of the Spirit. Our unity is founded on a shared experience of God, and a shared conviction that the Bible is the Word of God. This unity is expressed in working and praying together to see Wales transformed by the gospel.
- We are dependent on God in every way. Without Him we can do nothing, yet we can do all things through Him who strengthens us.
What does the EMW do?
The EMW currently serves the Church by:
- Supporting, Training and Developing Church Leaders
- Resourcing churches and Christians with Bible-based, Gospel-centred Resources and Publications
- Organising Conferences and Events that teach the Bible and promote Christian unity by bringing together people from a variety of different churches
- Running Camps and other ministries for young people
- Supporting churches and Christians in Mission and Evangelism
- Encouraging Prayer for Wales
You can find a copy of the latest Annual Report by following this link or find the latest news by looking at our prayer letter by following this link
Although the EMW works in every part of Wales through hundreds of volunteers, we also have a number of buildings including our two offices (North and South), a Residential Conference Centre and 6 bookshops.
The EMW also administers a number of trusts and funds to promote gospel work in Wales and beyond.