Author: Maureen Wise
ISBN: 978-1-78397-243-2
Pages: 186
Price: £8.99/$10.99
PB 216x138mm
Genre: Revival, biography
Published by Bryntirion Press in association with EP
In the minds of many people in the UK and USA, true revival is something that happened many years ago, or at best is associated with far-away countries and dubious accounts. Now Maureen Wise puts the record straight: Moldova, a neighbour of Romania, where she is personally involved in the work has experienced a wonderful awakening. In With God All Things Are Possible, her widely-appreciated first book, Maureen Wise introduced readers to the wonderful work undertaken for the Lord in Moldova. Now she has gathered personal memories and testimonies of how the Lord worked in Moldova, bringing revival even while persecution and privation were all around.
Maureen Wise was first drawn to missionary work at Keswick in 1967. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, she went to Romania in 1992. In 1998 she made her first visit to Moldova. The account of her conversion and how she came to be in Moldova is in her book With God All Things Are Possible. Maureen is a member of the Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff.
Read these testimonies and learn what life was like for believers under Communism, the amazing answers to prayer that came through this spiritual awakening, and the way in which the fruit continues today. May your reading lead you to join in Maureen’s own prayer and hope for our own land: ‘May we be inspired to cry out to the Lord in deep repentance and faith that He might visit these islands in saving power once more!’ Hector Morrison, Highland Theological College
Here is a humbling, challenging account of what the Lord has done in power in Moldova. In the context of fierce persecution by the Soviet Union and severe restrictions on Christians, we read of the dedication, suffering and love of Moldovan believers. From 1988-2000, a powerful revival swept through Moldovan churches bringing many to Christ. This is a must-read book and a challenge to pray for revival in our churches. Eryl Davies, Elder, Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff; Research Supervisor, Union School of Theology
Using the stories of many people Maureen’s book judiciously describes, in a very simple and effective way, how important it is for us to know that revival comes from God and that we are responsible to promote it for God’s glory and the conversion of many. Maureen’s book will, I am sure, become a standard introduction to its subject and, therefore, I rejoice and recommend it to all. It will uplift and edify your faith if you read it! Dr. Dinu Moga, general manger of Faclia Publishing House; Director of Emanuel School of Practical Theology at Emanuel University of Oradea, Romania
The book first gives moving testimonies of the lives of Christians under Communism and then of those who were converted during the spiritual awakening and sets out the many benefits that have resulted from this wonderful divine visitation. What is more, the author has herself lived through these revival years and that becomes obvious from the way she writes. Read this book. You will not only be more informed but it will do your soul good and will encourage you to pray for such times of refreshing wherever you live. Philip H. Eveson